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Frequently asked questions

FAQs on E-Scripts (Electronic Prescriptions)

What has my E script been cancelled?

Do I need to make an appointment with the doctor for repeat scripts?

What should I do if I have not received my first script?

Why cannot I find my repeat scripts?

Can I have an e-script and a paper script for the same medication?

FAQs on Referrals

Do I need to make an appointment with a doctor to renew my referral?

What would the Passcode for opening a Mediref document?

How would I receive my referral?

Referrals can be delivered by email (MediRef), Secure Messaging, (such as
Healthlink), e-Fax, or may have been printed for in person delivery. We rarely post now.

GPs should in most instances email Specialist Referrals direct to patients via
MediRef and use eFax for Hospital referrals.

I have changed the specialist I am seeing, do I need a new referral?

What if my referral is out of date?

I have lost referral, what should do I do?

How long does a referral last and when do I need a new referral?

Can I use my referral to see someone else?

FAQs on COVID 19 Vaccines

Am I eligible for my 4th Covid vaccine? If not, when will I be?

Why are multi-dose vials being used to store COVID-19 vaccines?

  • Multi-dose vials contain more than one dose of a vaccine in a single glass vial. They usually include 5–20 doses per vial, and each dose is then carefully extracted and given via individual syringes for injection. Use of multi-dose vials is the most efficient way to distribute a new vaccine to the maximum number of people and is being used world-wide for all COVID-19 vaccines. 
  • Packaging vaccine doses multi-dose vials is safe and is supported by numerous quality controls and good handling practices. 
  • Multi-dose vials are routinely used in Australia for the tuberculosis (BCG) vaccine and were used for the 2009 pandemic influenza vaccine. Immunisation providers are trained in and follow guidelines specifically on the use of multi-dose vials.

Why should I get a COVID-19 vaccine?

What is COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca and how does it work?

How effective are COVID-19 vaccines?

Can I have a COVID-19 vaccine if I am immunocompromised?

Can I have a COVID-19 vaccine if I have allergies?

If I have an allergic reaction after a COVID-19 vaccine or to one of its ingredients, can I still have the second dose?

Can you get COVID-19 from a COVID-19 vaccine?

What are the likely side effects from COVID-19 vaccines?

What should I do if I have side effects after a COVID-19 vaccine?

FAQs on Flu Vaccines

What is Influenza (Flu)?

Why does my child need a flu shot?

Isn’t the flu just a bad cold?

Do influenza vaccines actually work?

Could my child get influenza from the vaccine?

I’ve heard influenza vaccines can have serious side effects. Is this true?

Does my child really need an influenza vaccine every year?

Children six months or older need to get an influenza vaccine every year. This is because the types of influenza viruses circulating often change from year to year. Also, protection from an influenza vaccine generally lasts less than a year. The best time to get an influenza vaccine is in April or May, before the influenza season, which is usually June to September. Your child can get an influenza vaccine at the same time as other vaccines.

How can we be sure the vaccine is safe?

FAQ on Test Results

How long does it take for my test results to come?

What should I do once I have my results?

FAQs on Payment Process at M3

Will I be charged before my consultation when I enter my card details?

What is the payment method at M3 Health Clinics?

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