GP Health Care Plans | Bulk billed at M3 Health Melbourne
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GP Care Plans | M3 Health Melbourne

What is a GP care plan?

Care plans are a federally funded program, designed to optimise the health of people who suffer from a chronic condition, that would benefit from a more structured approach to their care. 

Who is eligible for a GP care plan?

To be eligible for a care plan you must have a chronic or terminal medical condition. This conditions are those that have been, or are likely to be present for at least 6 months.

Which common conditions are eligible for care plans?

Most common chronic diseases include asthma,cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes type 1 & 2, Kidney disease, musculoskeletal conditions, stroke, & obesity.

How long does a GP care plan appointment take?

An appointment will take approximately an hour with the practice nurse & your regular GP. A care plan done well will unite and coordinate you and your treatment team.

How often can I have a GP care plan?

A patient’s journey through the care plan process is unique for each patient, it will vary on the type of goals the person has set, how much support the person would like to achieve those goals, and the type of conditions the person has will influence how often recommended tests take place, and how large the treatment team is.

However, there are some commonalities to a person’s care plan journey – especially in the beginning stages and we can go through those now. Usually your GP will identify that you would benefit from a care plan and will discuss the process with you, although sometimes you might become aware of care plans via other means – perhaps you have a friend or family member who has a care plan, or perhaps you are seeing a physiotherapist who might suggest you discuss a care plan with your GP.

What is involved in the GP care plan appointment?

gp care plan melbourne

The initial consultation will be with yourself and your regular GP. Here, you will discuss the care plan, your current health priorities and the inclusion of your treatment team. Once this is decided, you will have a separate consultation with one of our practice nurses. Our nurses role will be to work with you to develop your healthcare priorities into goals and create the documentation to formalise your care plan. The nurses can assist you in coordinating your care, helping you to navigate the healthcare system, and can also provide you with education and guidance on your condition and healthcare goals.

Which M3 Clinics offer GP care plans?

GP care plans are available with GPs at:

How much does a care plan cost?

Care Plans at all M3 Health Clinics are bulk billed.

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